Sensors that Keep You& Your Home safe from Mold

Thanks to our sensors that last up to 50 years, you can save big on repairs by detecting moisture issues early - leaving you and your wallet happy.

florida home in the woods

Worrying costs from mold

Water damage restoration costs in the USA vary depending on the class of damage. Here is a breakdown of the average repair costs by class:

Class 1: minor leaks or moldClass 2: water damage, whole room incl. wallsClass 3: permeated into every part of a room(s)Class 4: Whole house, or complex.

So, what's the solution to these alarming numbers?

With the drykit family of sensors you'll be ahead of the game and we will help you every step of the way, before the moisture build up turns into dangerous mold damages.

florida home in the woods

1. No battery. Easy to use. Cost effective & Reliable.

application of the sensor by inspector from

2. Simple application of the sensor

florida home in the woods

3. Followed up by regular scans

4. Get notified when moist builds up

The Drykit Effect

Reduction in renovation cost
Reduced C02 impact
No need to move out for repairs
Method Approved by insurance companies

What sets it apart:

Unnoticeable Thin Design

Transform your walls and floors into intelligent surfaces with the discreet thin sensor.

Smart Moisture Tracking

Gain deeper insights into drying processes through advanced moisture monitoring.

Mobile App Readouts and Cloud Data Storage

Access your sensor data conveniently through the cloud, enabling comprehensive analysis and future visualization.

Reliable Wet Room Repairs

Feel assured of effective and dependable repairs for wet areas.

Battery-Free Durability

Built to last, the StandardSensor is not constrained by battery life, ensuring long-lasting performance.

Install Without Destruction

The ultra-thin sensors are installed deep within the building's structure, providing precise moisture measurements without causing any damage. This makes it a perfect solution for areas like bathroom sealing layers, where hidden leaks can lead to costly consequences.